Showing 9565–9576 of 33438 results

Image Description Alternate Spelling Last Name Maternal Surname First Name Other Name Middle Name Birth Year Region Record Type Document Type Circa Other Pages Price Download Now

Census Record (Padron de Vecino) Content includes name, age, marital status, occupation, place of birth and place of residence. Spouse, offspring and others included.

Alvarado Francisca 1877 Ponce Electoral Inscription 1891 1 $8.00 Download Now

This record is a simple list of names documenting residents of Puerto Rico whom donated to the war of the time. Contents include ancestor name, town of residence and amount donated.

Anglada Francisca Humacao News Article 1860 1 $8.00 Download Now

Census Record (Padron de Vecino) Content includes name, age, marital status, occupation, place of birth and place of residence. Spouse, offspring and others included.

Arabi Francisca 1855 Ponce Electoral Inscription 1891 1 $8.00 Download Now

Passenger records may contain the place of travel, date and the names of other relatives.

Arce Francisca Ponce Passenger Record 1890 1 $8.00 Download Now

Census Record (Padron de Vecino) Content includes name, age, marital status, occupation, place of birth and place of residence. Spouse, offspring and others included.

Juana Archeval Francisca 1811 Ponce Electoral Inscription 1891 1 $8.00 Download Now

Passenger records may contain the place of travel, date and the names of other relatives.

Armstrong Francisca Puerto Rico Passenger Record 1874 1 $8.00 Download Now

This record is a simple list of names documenting residents of Puerto Rico whom donated to the war of the time. Contents include ancestor name, town of residence and amount donated.

Arroyo Francisca Puerto Rico News Article 1860 1 $8.00 Download Now

Passenger records may contain the place of travel, date and the names of other relatives.

Incognito Inconito Francisca B Puerto Rico Passenger 1879 1 $8.00 Download Now

Census Record (Padron de Vecino) Content includes name, age, marital status, occupation, place of birth and place of residence. Spouse, offspring and others included.

Bochs Bosch Bachs Francisca 1880 Ponce Electoral Inscription 1891 1 $8.00 Download Now

Census Record (Padron de Vecino) Content includes name, age, marital status, occupation, place of birth and place of residence. Spouse, offspring and others included.

Ballona Bayona Ballena Francisca 1853 Ponce Electoral Inscription 1891 1 $8.00 Download Now

Passenger records may contain the place of travel, date and the names of other relatives.

Barretiaga Francisca Puerto Rico Passenger 1879 1 $8.00 Download Now

Passenger records may contain the place of travel, date and the names of other relatives.

Belmont Belmonte Francisca Arecibo Passenger 1879 1 $8.00 Download Now