Our database holds genealogical resource records such as census, death, birth, matrimony, judicial, military, passenger, passport, biographical, photographs, land, municipal records, foreigner files and much more.
Note** Census records are NOT always population schedules, they may be Land and Farm Wealth, Census of Contributions (tax purposes) and other.
Note*** “List” records vary, a record may be a simple list f Policemen, Teachers, Students, Military Men, Birth, Death, Confirmations, Matrimony, Unmarried folks, The unemployed Men (Vagos) etc. Record Descriptions provide insight as to the type of record you are referencing.
“Domicile Records”/Town Registry document folks whom moved from their original town of residence;these records may contain valuable vital data.
We offer these records as an “Ease of Access Service” to researchers for genealogical purposes only. We provide these records is “As Is”, As Found and/or As Donated condition. We are not responsible for omissions and errors made at the time of the event and/or creation of the original document.
Some records do not contain vital information however are excellent resources for those seeking documented evidence of the existence of an ancestor.
Most records are handwritten in Spanish language. Occasionally records may exist in the language of the country of origin of an ancestor (such as a passport record or a birth transcription). You are responsible for deciphering the content, language and ‘old world’ handwriting as well as translating/transcribing the document. 95% of the records are easily legible while others require some handwriting expertise and careful examination.
To see sample images of documents visit Document Samples
Record condition is mostly clean clear and legible. Due to age some records may be marred, light, dark, torn, and worn however still are legible. Please reference images provided for record sampling.
Click image on the left

For Item Description, Click the “Product” link in the “Cart”.

WHAT YOU ARE PURCHASING AND WILL RECEIVE: You are purchasing a digital download file. You will access your file as soon as the payment transaction is complete. You will receive a file or files to be saved to your machine in PDF or image format. Be sure to save your file.
OUR TERMS: Refunds will not be honored on this item; once an item has been viewed it is considered “VIEWED”, therefore non-refundable. Purchasing records indicates that you understand and are bound by these terms. Click on “Terms” for more info.
REFUNDS: Occasionally, since our database is not error free; refunds will be honored on case by case basis; such as duplicate file purchase and/or other special circumstance. We encourage you to ask prior to purchase.
Terms https://www.archivespuertorico.com/terms-of-use/
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