About The Records


Men and women were documented as monetary “Donors” to the war of the time “La Guerra de Africa” Records document an ancestor in list format. Record content includes ancestor name, town of residence and amount donated. These records serve as excellent evidence of the existence of ancestors and provide insight as to the status of wealth of an ancestor. Other records (Citations) may contain Wanted Ads, Military List, Property Information, Judicial Notes and other information providing interesting personal details about ancestors and the lives they lived. A record or citation may be as simple as documenting an ancestor on a list (list may be of employees, donors, fines and many other interesting subjects). Records are in Spanish language.


These records are published booklets which document the names, the town of residence and other minor details of attorneys in Puerto Rico.  The booklets serve as evidence of years of service an ancestor may have served as an attorney in Puerto Rico.  The records are in Spanish language.


News article records are dated from early 1800 to about 1920. These records are citations of events and other subjects regarding ancestors. Subjects which may shed light and vital details about an ancestor include obituaries, photographs, travel information, judicial information, property information and endless other subjects. News Citations may be as simple as a mention as a donor to the war of the time, a fine or something else. Records are in Spanish language.


List records vary and may include list of Attorneys, Teachers, Students, Slaves, Military Men, Gun Permits and much more.  Dates vary from about 1800 to 1900.  The language for these records is Spanish.  Deciphering handwritten documents is not always simple and may require careful examination for handwritten list.

Registration records vary and may include a list of names for varying registrations such as:

Voter Registration Cards- Voter cards contain the name, address, place of birth, age, name of parents and in most cases a photograph of an ancestor. 


Census records vary in date, town, size and type. Record type may be a population, electoral, slave, census of farms, census of wealth, census of foreigners and the list goes on. Some records are complete and hold much vital information while others are a simple dated list of towns people. Other records may be fragmented listing a town for a municipality only. MOST RECORD CONTENT INCLUDES: Name of head of household, Marital status, spouse, children, other relatives and/or servant(s) names, age, occupation, birthplace and whether relocated to town of residence; some include place of birth. The language for these records is Spanish.


Puerto Rico Passport records contain much vital information, such as place of birth, travel information, age and at times a physical description. Passport records usually are written in the language of the country of origin of an ancestor, though may exist in Spanish or English language. These records may also contain other vital notes relating to reason for travel, occupation and may document other family member names.

Passport records created in the USA usually are written in English language. Passport records contain much vital information, such as place of birth, travel information, age and at times a physical description, photograph or other information. These records may also contain other vital notes relating to reason for travel, occupation and may document other family member names.


Passenger records may be as simple as a list of names, though may include place of travel to and/or from, date, name of companion travelers and other notes. Records may exist in Spanish, English or the language of the country of origin of an ancestor.  Record content may differ from decade to decade, some records document marital status, age, occupation, physical description, companion traveler name(s), birthplace and place of residence of a traveler.


Military records content may include a fully detailed biographical, a simple fragmented record or a list of names of military men in Puerto Rico. Content may include name, place of residence, rank and other details. The language for these records is Spanish.


Military Biographical records provide not only military information but vital information and other personal details regarding the ancestors life. The language for these records is Spanish and/or English, some records include a photograph of an ancestor.


Biographical records provide not only vital information such as place of birth, but other interesting details and in some instances a photograph may be included in the article. The language for these records is Spanish.


News citations may be as simple as noting the title of an employee or a detailed lengthy article describing an event. These interesting records are valued not only for the content but for evidence documenting an ancestor. Language for these records is Spanish.


Fragmented Electoral and other Census records. Dates and Towns vary. Some records are complete and hold much vital information while others are a simple dated list of towns people. The language for these records is Spanish.


Records document slaves and/or slave owners. Information is not limited to age, place of residence, owners name and may hold a physical description of the slave. Some slave records name the parent and or offspring of a slave. The language for these records is Spanish. Deciphering handwritten documents is not always simple and may require careful examination.